3 Top Tips for more ENERGY!

We all wake up sometimes feeling that we could spend another hour or two under the covers.  Would it not be nice to spring out of bed ready to start the day with endless energy?  Follow these three top tips and see how your energy increases:

1. Lights out at 10!

Yes, no more watching TV, reading on an iPad, or using your phone late into those late hours.  Our body clock works best if we limit the amount of artificial light that we use after darkness falls as this tricks our brains into thinking that its still daytime.   Your brain usually starts secreting melatonin around 9-10pm, which is what makes you sleepy. However, if you regularly trick your brain into changing this natural cycle by exposing your eyes to artificial light late into the night, you may find your sleep disturbed and energy zapped for the next day.

2. Get more sunlight

This links with the above tip.  Just 20 minutes of sensible daily sun exposure on your bare skin can provide many health benefits and exposing your eyes (without sunglasses)  to the early morning rays can initiate melatonin production hours later which basically sets your body clock rhythm by telling your brain its daytime, this in turn allows restful sleep to occur 12 hours later. Use that lunch hour to get out the office and feel that sun on your skin. 

3. Avoid an energy slump

You know that all too familiar feeling you get half an hour or so after eating a sugary snack, a sugar rush followed by another craving to eat more! Its a viscous circle that won't be broken unless you make a conscious effort to break it. Really ask yourself if you are truly hungry or just bored when you reach for that piece of cake?  Try drinking a large glass of water, wait for five minutes and then ask yourself the same question?  Maybe you were just thirsty.  If you are still feeling hungry try a healthier alternative such as some strawberries, sliced avocado or some nuts. Remember, if you don't have it in the cupboard you can't eat it so add healthy options to your weekly shopping list.


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