Take it outside

As the busy founder off Red Hot Personal Training I often get asked by my clients "how do you find time to work out yourself?"  That question was the inspiration for this blog.

I often head outside for an outdoor workout (dog in tow too!) the fresh air, bird song and feeling of accomplishment that comes with working out with nature is such as good feeling. (Even when you don't feel like a heavy workout a brisk walk can do you wonders!). If you want to torch body fat, gain definition and keep you body burning fat long after your workout is finished then you need to use body weight moves.

If you want to up the intensity then find a nice quiet spot and a tree stump!  Here are just  a few ideas you could try:

  1. Single leg deadlift (see photo at top)
  2. Calf raises balancing on a small tree stump
  3. Press -ups
  4. Tricep dips
  5. Plank

The list of possibilities is endless!  Make sure to choose a dry tree stump to avoid slipping!  Give it a try and reap those fresh air benefits:) x 

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