Three fitness tests to try right now

Want to test your strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, vascular health and longevity to name a few? Try these simple at home tests and see how you score. Ways to improve are also detailed below.

Test 1

30 second sit-to-stand test (Tests lower body muscular strength and endurance)

Start by sitting in a chair (approx 17” high from seat to floor and without arm rests ideally) with your arms crossed over your chest in front of you and simply stand up then sit straight back down again as many times as you can in 30 seconds. Make sure you touch the seat chair with your glutes (bottom) and stand completely straight at the top of the move. Count how many times you complete one stand up and sit down. It may be easier to ask a friend to time you for the 30 seconds.
How did you do? (The following results are taken from 60 year old test subjects so if you are a lot younger than this then you should be able to perform the above average scores!)


Level 3 (Less than 12 ) = Below average

Level 2 (12-17) =Average

Level 1 (Greater than 17) = Above average


Level 3 (Less than 14) = Below average

Level 2 (14-19) = Average

Level 1 (Greater than 19) = Above average

Test 2 - 30 second standing on one leg test (Tests postural instability, vascular health and even dementia risk!)

Stand on your right leg and raise your left leg up off the floor several inches. (Your left foot must not touch your right leg/foot for support).

How long can you hold this stance for without too much wobbling? Dont forget to try the other leg too. If this was easy try it again but with your eyes closed this time!

Level 1 = 30 seconds + with eyes closed. Fantastic!

Level 2 = 20-30 seconds + eyes open. Not bad at all. This is what everyone should be aiming for at the minimum.

Level 3 - Less than 20 seconds = There may be balance issues/vascular damage that needs investigating. Is one side significantly easier than the other? Look into possible issues with the spine.

Want to improve your time? Try standing on your right leg whilst cleaning your top teeth and then standing on your left leg whilst cleaning the bottom teeth. In this way you will be incorporating balance training into our daily life.

Test 3

Standing straight touch toes test (Tests flexibility especially in legs and lower back)

There is some evidence that being able to touch your toes is a good marker of how flexible you arteries are and an inability to reach the floor with your fingertips can be a predictor of a future heart attack. Issues of mobility or stability must be looked into if you cannot yet touch your toes in this move.

To perform this test stand up straight with your feet close together but not touching. Reach up from the hips and then bend forwards towards your toes. Not touching the floor? Try this. Stand tall again and simply rotate your pelvis forwards into a slight posterior pelvic tilt (tuck your bum in and forwards). Keeping this position reach up and forwards again and see what happens? Did you get further down this time?

Everyone should be striving towards being able to touch their toes from this standing position and with regular practice this will be achieved. If you simply are not getting any closer, investigate mobility and stability issues with a personal trainer or physical therapist.

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Do you fall into this category?

Are you one of the 40% of women who don’t get enough exercise?


A shocking study undertaken by the World Health organisation (WHO) * found that four in 10 females are not getting enough exercise to benefit their health. With a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, mental health problems and even some cancers what is holding you back?

Fitness does not need to be made in a gym so excusing yourself from exercise because you “hate the gym” is not a reasonable excuse! The recommended guidelines are 75 minutes of intense activity such as running or 150 minutes of moderate activity such as walking per week, yes per week!! That means that there are still 9,930 minutes of the week to do other things! Surely we can all strive for this target.

As a personal traininer who trains women exclusively, I completely understand the struggles and barriers that many women face when trying to incorporate more exercise into their daily lives.

Having worked with hundreds of women I have had the opportunity to really gain an insight in to our busy lives. We have so many balls to juggle and personal fitness is usually the first thing to go when life gets busy.

As a working mother of two children, a wife, daughter, pet parent etc etc I know first hand how a plan to go for a run can quickly disappear when something more pressing comes up. Before you know it a whole week has past and none of the exercise sessions that you had planned for the week ahead had got done. You feel sluggish, tired and maybe a little irritated too! The weeks go by and then you realise you have simply got out of a fitness routine and your body starts giving you subtle signs that its not liking this more sedentary life! Aches and pains, loss of flexibility and strength or even going upstairs makes you feel out of breath!

Here are my top tips for getting back into fitness and upping that level of daily activity:

  1. My number 1 top tip is to keep a training journal. If like me you love lists and enjoy the satisfaction of recording and ticking off activities then this may be a real help for you. Note down all the activity you managed to do each day. Both planned exercise sessions (PT session, gym, bike ride etc) and also unplanned too such as gardening, walking etc. It can be very satisfying to look back at the end of the week and see how much you have accomplished and over the months to see how you have progressed to!

  2. Try exercising outdoors. It can be exhilarating to feel that fresh air and sunshine on your skin out in nature.

  3. If you can’t get outside try putting on some music really loud and just dance (no one can see so go for it). Have a good stretch session afterwards too. Note how it makes you feel. It will make you want to do it again!

  4. The best bit about exercising is the way it makes you feel. Let those feel good endorphins flood the body. Its a wonderful way too increase not only your energy, stamina etc but also increase your self confidence, reduce your stress , anxiety level and install a sense of calm too!

Source: *

Red Hot Personal Training, face-to-face, online, Pilates and Pre and Post Natal

Stand up for fitness!

Did you know that sitting down for too many hours every day can seriously impact your health? I wonder how many of you have just stood up!

Sitting facts:

  • Research estimates that if you cut back on the time spent sitting down to under 3 hours a day in total, it could add two years to your life expectancy.
  • An analysis of 18 studies found that people who sat for the longest periods of time were twice as likely to have or develop Type 2 Diabetes or heart disease, compared to those that sat the least.

Although a daily workout is absolutely essential for your health offering many physical and mental benefits, its equally important what you do in-between and if that is mainly sitting down in an office, at home or travelling try these suggestions below.

Here are some tips to get you moving:

  1. Aim to not sit down for more than 15 minutes at a time without standing up or taking a quick walking break.
  2.  Try standing up when you talk on the phone or use your computer/ipad etc.
  3. Try and cut down on your TV time each day and incorporate regular standing breaks into your viewing time. (Go and make a cup of tea for example).
  4. Simple body stretches performed after sitting down will help your circulation.
  5. Do small bouts of exercise throughout the day. Every hour or two, take the opportunity to do some squats, standing lunges, high knees, toe touches, or push-ups against the wall. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, complicated, or long. Just a few minutes will do!

Can Red Hot Personal Training help you? We offer the following:

  • Online Personal Training
  • One-to-one Personal Training
  • Pilates Instructor
  • Pre and Post-Natal Exercise