Some of the best foods to buy 'organic'


Switching to a diet that is mainly organic can be pricey but many would argue worth every penny.    The benefits of organic food go well beyond just taste. 

Many studies have illustrated the greater antioxidant levels and drastically lower levels of pesticides and heavy metals contained in organic food.  The very chemicals that may lead to ill health and a toxic build up within our bodies. Organic food is also far better for the environment and animal welfare.

However switching to a fully organic lifestyle is well beyond most peoples reach.  Many clients of Red Hot Personal Training ask which foods would be the most beneficial to change to organic?  So we thought we would detail our 'Top 5 foods to buy organic'

  1. Milk - Organic milk contains higher quantities of healthy Omega-3, Vitamin E and Beta-carotene than regular milk and does not contain fertility hormones, pesticides or unnecessary antibiotics.
  2. Soft Fruit - Such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries are a wonderful addition to your daily diet containing many health boosting properties. However, non organic fruits with soft skins can absorb the pesticides that they are sprayed with and prove difficult to wash off.  
  3. Eggs - Organic eggs are a fantastic source of protein and vitamins.  The wonderful yellowy-orange egg yolk produced by free range and organically reared chickens is packed full of goodness. However, non organic eggs may contain pesticide residue through their feed which ultimately ends up on your plate.
  4. Bread - As a nation we love our bread so it makes sense that something we eat so regularly is switched to a healthier loaf.  Again, organic bread contains far less pesticide residues.    
  5. Meat - Yes its a bit pricey but shop around and you can find some great deals (make use of your freezer if you buy in bulk!).  If you want to reduce your exposure to antibiotics it makes sense to buy organic here even if you end up using less meat and substitute with more vegetables, lentils, beans etc in the recipe.

The list could go on but a few little changes could make a big difference to your chemical exposure and the environment. :) x

Why Pre and Post-Natal Women should exercise

It is well known that exercising and eating healthily during pregnancy has profound benefits both tangible and hidden for both the mother and baby.

10 good reasons to exercise for Pre and Post-Natal Women

  1. Exercises such as Pelvic Tilts can offer relief from back pain experienced during pregnancy.
  2. Lowered risk of gestational diabetes.
  3. Ladies who exercise throughout pregnancy and also resume exercise post birth (once ready) report better moods than their sedentary peers.
  4. Increased energy and vitality.
  5. Less likely to need intervention during delivery such as forceps and c-section and labour may be less drawn out.
  6. Exercising and activating the core muscles (especially the Pelvic floor muscles) can help with delivery and are crucial to avoid stress incontinence post birth. 
  7. A structured exercise session can provide a little fun 'me time' for the post-natal mother that can help alleviate stress and fatigue. Happy mother = happy baby!
  8. Exercise can be a wonderful sleep aid helping those to sleep more soundly.
  9. Targeted exercises can help with abdominal recovery and those recovering from a c-section.
  10.  Post-Natal exercise can help speed recovery from delivery, improves muscle tone, aids relaxation, reduced stress and anxiety and may help to initiate fat burning too!

There are so many reasons to incorporate exercise into your daily routine and that applies to all however, those that are Pre or Post-Natal can really reap the benefits and experience significant beneficial changes.   

If you would like to start Pre or Post-Natal exercise and would like to see a qualified Pre and Post-Natal Instructor who is also a Personal Trainer and Pilates instructor, please see our homepage or contact us for more details. Many thanks Red Hot Personal Training. 

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